Call of HIS VANGUARD: Advance HIS Kingdom!

[Vanguard: foremost division or front part of an army; advance guard;
creative group active in innovation and application of
new concepts and techniques in a given field.]

KINGDOM Convergence:  Merging Heaven & Earth NOW!!

Convergence: The process of coming together or the state of
having come together toward a common point.

Merge: to become combined, united, swallowed up, absorbed;
lose identity by uniting or blending; to plunge or sink in, to dip,
immerse, dive under, to wash.

“Convergence describes the moment in which God invites you to join Him in what He's been preparing you all your life to do. Convergence occurs in the fullness of time, and right now, not only individuals but entire nations are hanging in the balance as we approach a time and season of historic convergence.

God is calling forth a new apostolic army to join Him in releasing Heaven's agenda with the authority to administrate it properly in this critical time and season. God has plans for you, your city, your state, and your time and place in the world. A divine convergence is about to take place!”
The Power of Convergence ~ Cindy Jacobs 2/19/2009

"Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done,
as in Heaven, so in Earth." (Luke 11:2b)

[Vanguard: foremost division or front part of an army; advance guard;
creative group active in innovation and application of
new concepts and techniques in a given field.]